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  • Sins of DIY Socket

    Electrical News

    Today we been fitting additional socket in the bed room, when we found cables in trunking going to bathroom area. Turns out a previous owner decided to fit a double socket, to charge his phone when using the bathtub. As convenient as that is, its a big “NO”. Although the

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  • 18th edition – A Type RCDs

    Electrical News

    RCD stands for “Residual Current Device.” It is an electrical safety device designed to protect against electric shocks and fire hazards caused by electrical faults in domestic, commercial, and industrial environments. Due to the popularity of DC electronical devices, computerised chips and phones, It is now necessary to fit Type

    brown wooden dining table near white and brown mini bar
  • Partial Power Isolation

    Electrical News

    We bring you a cautionary story that serves as a stark reminder of the importance of electrical safety in DIY projects. In a suburban neighbourhood, a seemingly routine home improvement project took a shocking turn for one DIY enthusiast. The incident unfolded in a cosy home where a young couple

    black leather sofa with brown wooden frame

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