Small Print, what you can expect from us when raising a complaint

Complaints Policy

  1. Defined terms
    1.1 The following terms have the following meanings in this Complaints Policy:

    The term “Business Day” refers to any day (other than Saturday or Sunday) on which conventional banks in England are open for their entire range of typical activity.

    The term “Complaint” refers to a complaint regarding our services or customer service.

    The term “Complaints Policy” refers to this text. “Complaints Procedure” refers to our internal complaints handling protocol that is followed when a Complaint is handled.

    The term “Complaint Reference” refers to a unique number issued to your complaint that will be used to track it.

    The term “External Resolution” refers to the referral of your Complaint to an outside entity or organisation for settlement if you are dissatisfied with the outcome.
  1. Intention of this Complaints Policy
    2.1 We appreciate and promote all forms of consumer feedback. If you have a complaint about our services or customer service, we want to not only fix it to your satisfaction, but also learn from it so that we can improve our business and customer experience in the future.
    2.2 It is our aim to settle Complaints as soon and fairly as feasible, without the need for formal investigations or the involvement of other agencies. The following are the specific goals of this Complaints Policy:
    2.2.1 To provide a clear and equitable method for any customers who desire to lodge a complaint regarding our services or customer service;
    2.2.2 To guarantee that everyone who works for or with us understands how to manage customer complaints;
    2.2.3 To guarantee that all Complaints are treated equally, fairly, and in a timely manner;
    2.2.4 To ensure that vital information from Complaints is obtained and used in the future to avoid such a scenario recurring.
  2. What is covered by this Complaints Policy?
    3.1 This Complaints Policy governs our service delivery and customer care.
    3.1 This Complaints Policy governs our service delivery and customer care.
    3.2 Any reference to us, Handy Mike Electrical, includes our employees for the purposes of this Complaints Policy.

    3.3 Complaints against any of our actions may include (but are not limited to):
    3.3.1 The level of service you have got from us;
    3.3.2 Delays, flaws, poor craftsmanship, or other issues related to service delivery.

    3.4 The following are not considered complaints and should not be treated as such:
    3.4.1 Inquiries concerning our services in general;
    3.4.2 Issues involving contractual or other legal conflicts;
    3.4.3 Formal demands for information disclosure, such as those made under the Data Protection Act.
  3. File a Complaint
    4.1 All complaints, whether about our services or about customer service, should be sent in one of the following ways:
    4.1.1 Email Michael Witkowski at
    4.1.2 Phone Michael Witkowski at 07925 619 646 .

    4.2 When filing a Complaint, you must give the following information in as much detail as is reasonable:
    4.2.1 Please include your name, address, phone number, and email address.
    4.2.2 If you are filing a complaint on behalf of another individual, include that person’s name and contact information as well as your own;
    4.2.3 If you are filing a complaint regarding a specific transaction, include the reference number;
    4.2.4 Additional information about your complaint, such as all times, dates, activities, and individuals involved;
    4.2.5 Specifics about any papers or other evidence you intend to use to support your complaint;
    4.2.6 Specifics of the actions you want us to take to address your complaint and make things right. (Please note that whilst we will make every reasonable attempt to fulfil such requests, we are not bound to take any action beyond that which we may be contractually or otherwise legally obliged to take).
  4. How Your Complaint Is Handled
    5.1 In accordance with our complaints procedure, we always strive to satisfy customers by resolving issues internally. If your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may seek external resolution as described below:
    5.2 After receiving your complaint, we will record it in our complaints register and provide you a written acknowledgement of receipt within five days, together with a complaint reference.
    5.3 We will let you know who will be handling your complaint when we acknowledge receiving it. This might be the person you originally complained to (as stated above), or your complaint might be assigned to a suitable team member.
    5.4 If we need any additional information or proof from you, we’ll get in touch with you as soon as it’s practical to do so. In order to prevent causing the handling of complaints to be delayed, we ask that you make reasonable steps to provide any such information or proof soon. We will make every effort to proceed without the information or proof if you are unable to furnish it for any reason. Please be aware, that unless we deem it necessary for your complaint to be successfully resolved, we won’t ask for more details or supporting documentation.
    5.5 Our goal is to address complaints in 14 days. This might not always be doable, especially if your complaint is unusually complex. You will be informed of the delay, the anticipated length of the delay, and the reasons for it.
    5.6 Regardless of the result of the complaints procedure, we will give you full information about our investigation, our findings from that investigation, and any actions that were taken as a result. Subject to your right to seek external resolution of your complaint, our judgement at this point is final.
    5.7 If you are dissatisfied with the way your complaint was handled, you can contact the NICEIC at Warwick House, Houghton Hall Park, Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire, LU5 5ZX to seek external resolution. Send an email to Phone number: 0158 253 9036.
  5. Data security and confidentiality
    6.1 All complaints are handled in the strictest confidentially, including any information related to them.
    6.2 We may request your consent before using the specifics of your complaint for internal training and quality-improvement initiatives. If you’ve granted us permission in this way, you can always take it back by getting in touch with us.
    6.3 All private data that we might gather (counting, however not restricted to, your name and address) will be gathered, utilized and held as per the arrangements of the Information Security Act 1998 and your freedoms under that Demonstration.
  6. Questions and Additional Information:
    Please contact us by phone at 07925 619 646 or via email at if you have any questions or require additional information about our complaints procedure.
  7. Policy Responsibility and Evaluation
    8.1 Michael bears overall responsibility for the Complaints Policy and its implementation.
    8.2 This Complaints Policy is reviewed on a regular basis and is updated as necessary.
    8.3 This Grievances Strategy was established on 01 January 2023.
    8.4 This Objections Strategy was re-evaluated on 01 January 2023.
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