Kitchen Rewire


Removal and Preparation

Our client is having a new kitchen fitted and would like to have more sockets and for the kitchen to look more modern. Then client had all the kitchen plans, plumber was coming in tomorrow and fitter in 2 days.

We started by fitting floor protection and emptying and removing high cabinets, then knocking off any wall tiles and then removing work top and the remaining cabinetry.

Now that had everything out of the way we started to mark out the plans on the walls. This is so we can check if we need light switch moved or additional points, where to fit them and which need removing based on the locations of hob and sink. Once everything was marked we spoke to the client about any work top sockets and what will they have on the work top. Then we offered them suggestions and agreed locations. We always ask if there are things missing from the plan like: Under floor heating, down lights, water filters, instant hot water taps, plinth or worktop downlights or lights in the kitchen units.


Lastly before doing any electrical work we check the state of consumer unit. We check if it has RCD protection or space for any additional circuits required. On this occasion the customer had old style fuse board. We offered to either replace it or fit a small garage consumer unit. The customer wanted a consumer unit just for the kitchen.

First Fix

We found the start and end of the socket ring, tested the circuit and it was suitable for alterations. We created the additional points and removed the old sockets and outlets. In kitchen its recommended to have isolators and fused spurs for stationary equipment, for maintainability and emergency switching. These Spurs and switches make kitchens with lots of appliances look cluttered so we fit them at the back of a cupboard.

This concluded the first fix of the Kitchen Rewire. We made sure that the Kitchen wires are safe, and rest of the house is working correctly. We left the kitchen in a clean condition for the next trades men.

Second Fix

One Week later we came back to fit the small Consumer Unit. The main fuse box was in the garage so we had plenty of space to work with. We fitted a small 3 way consumer unit with Type A RCD to power the sockets and Induction Hob. Consumer unit was supplied with a 10mm Twin & Earth cable from one of the spare ways on the fuse box through 40A Fuse.

After that we fitted FCUs, Isolators, Outlets and Sockets. Our customer decided to purchase their own sockets that would fit the colour scheme of the kitchen. We have fitted them and connected all the permanently connected appliances. Then We did all the dead testing and after it was satisfactory we did live testing. We switched on all the appliances to show everything is working and answered any questions.

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